📕 subnode [[@anagora@matrix.org/agora plan]]
in 📚 node [[agora-plan]]
pushed from garden/flancian/2021-01-13.md by @flancian
pushed from garden/flancian/2021-01-22.md by @flancian
[[push]] [[agora plan]]
- [[fix images]] for [[vera]]
- [[fix weird link overflow]] after tweets, see above
[[push]] [[default actions]]
- anagora.org/twitter/flancian redirects to the URL after [[twitter]] on [[flancian]]
- same for [[mastodon]], [[fediverse]], [[wikipedia]], etc.
- eventually can be refined with the concept via adding [[url constructors]] and allowing bare entities as a target, e.g. usernames
pushed from garden/flancian/2021-01-24.md by @flancian
[[push]] [[agora plan]]
[[prioritized]] https://pinafore.social/statuses/105611876863194013, supporting links of the type [[user/node]].
- [[@flancian/readme]]
- [[readme@flancian]]
- [[done]]
[[user mentions]]
- [[@flancian]] should be like [[flancian]] plus [[readme]].
- [[prioritize]]
[[prioritized]] https://pinafore.social/statuses/105611876863194013, supporting links of the type [[user/node]].
pushed from garden/flancian/2021-02-08.md by @flancian
[[push]] [[agora plan]]
- I should support [[open search]] in the [[agora]]
pushed from garden/flancian/2021-02-15.md by @flancian
- [[push]] [[agora plan]]
pushed from garden/flancian/2021-03-05.md by @flancian
- [[push]] [[agora plan]]
pushed from garden/flancian/journal/2021-08-28.md by @flancian
[[push]] [[agora plan]]
- probably should add [[calendar navigation]] to time related nodes in the agora
- at least 'previous day' and 'next day'
pushed from garden/flancian/journal/2021-11-20.md by @flancian
- [[push]] [[agora plan]]
pushed from garden/flancian/journal/2021-11-21.md by @flancian
- [[push]] [[agora plan]]
pushed from garden/flancian/journal/2022-01-23.md by @flancian
[[push]] [[agora plan]]
- [[root repository]]
- [[agora faq]]
pushed from garden/flancian/journal/2022-06-07.md by @flancian
#push [[agora plan]]
- yesterday [[2022-06-06]]
- tomorrow [[2022-06-06]]
- implement [[virtual subnodes]] in [[iso 8601]] / [[rfc 3339]] nodes volunteering navigation aides
- extend this to other extensible node-specific UI ;)
pushed from garden/flancian/journal/2023-09-09.md by @flancian
- #push [[agora plan]]
pushed from garden/flancian/agora feeds.md by @flancian
#push [[agora plan]]
The [[agora]] should support [[rss]] / [[atom]] feeds in two ways:
As a [[consumer]], to easily allow any feed producer to volunteer subnodes in an [[agora]].
- I see this as part of the [[agora bridge]] effort.
As a [[producer]], to easily allow users and other systems to consume [[agora]] updates.
As of [[2022]] this exists:
- /feed/node gives you a feed of subnodes in node.
- /feed/latest gives you an Agora wide feed.
- You can join #go https://matrix.to/#/#agora-feeds:matrix.org on matrix if you want to keep track of updates in a chat room.
As of [[2022]] this exists:
As a [[consumer]], to easily allow any feed producer to volunteer subnodes in an [[agora]].
The [[agora]] should support [[rss]] / [[atom]] feeds in two ways:
pushed from garden/flancian/ccr.md by @flancian
#push [[agora plan]]
- Fix [[ccr]], meaning implement [[indirect go links]] (across nodes)
pushed from garden/flancian/feature requests.md by @flancian
- #push [[agora-plan]]
pushed from garden/flancian/fleeky.md by @flancian
- [[push]] [[agora plan]] onboard flaeky pancako
pushed from garden/flancian/forgefed.md by @flancian
[[push]] [[agora plan]]
- [[do]] implement [[chained links]]
pushed from garden/flancian/mathew lowry.md by @flancian
#push [[agora plan]]
- onboard [[mathew lowry]]
pushed from garden/flancian/org mode.md by @flancian
pushed from garden/flancian/wikigraph.md by @flancian
- [[push]] [[agora plan]] add as search target
📖 stoas
- public document at doc.anagora.org/agora-plan
- video call at meet.jit.si/agora-plan